‎What is the Mu variant of Covid? What are the specifics of the virus monitored by the World Health Organization‎

‎Geneva: The World Health Organization has named a new variant of Covid as the coronavirus continues to spread globally. The new variant is named 'Mu' by the World Health Organization. In addition to Mu, the Eta, Llota, Kappa and Lambada variants have also been reported in various parts of the world and named by the Lokaragya Organization.

‎Scientifically known as B.1.621, the Mu variant of coronavirus. The presence of the Mu variant of Covid was first discovered in Colombia in January 2021. Later in August it was classified as a variant of Covid.‎

‎But experts point out that existing covid vaccines cannot be resistant. There is a genetic change in this virus at risk. But more studies are needed to learn more about this virus. Experts have found that although the immune system against the variant may be present, genetic modification occurs in the virus.‎

‎The Union Government points out that there are no cases of C.1.2 Kovid-19 variant in India so far. But the question still arises as to how deadly it is. No specific information is available for this. After Colombia, mu variant has been reported in other South American countries and Europe. Although three cases have not been widely reported worldwide, its presence in Colombia is around 39 percent.‎

‎In addition to this covid, which has already been classified by the World Health Organization, another variant, C.1.2, has been discovered. But the World Health Organization has made it clear that it has not been distinguished as a covid variant and is being monitored. At the same time, none of these variants have been found in India.‎

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