AIEEE Question paper leaked question papers causes delay
The dummy set of question paper already set, foreseeing any problem has been kept in a bank locker. Officials informed the dummy paper would be collected from the locker and distributed in all the exam centers before 12 PM.
They added the exam would now commence from 12 PM according to the new schedule. The first paper would be held from 12 PM to 3PM and the second paper from 4PM to 7PM. The exams are held at Kozhikode, Ernakulam and Thiruvananthapuram. Thousands of students are appearing for the exam in the state.
The exam has been re-scheduled national wide and as such some officials on exam duty are not ruling out chances of the exam being postponed to a futher date. They pointed out distribution of dummy question papers to all centers within the short span is quite impossible and chances are that the exam would be postponed to May 8.
Sources say that the question paper was being sold in the open market in Lucknow.
The Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force has arrested one person in connection with the paper leak and are looking for further leads in the case.