The minister said that most of the organisations behind the Kudumbashree had affiliations with the CPM. Unlike the last 4 years, when Janasree was denied support from the government, the UDF Government will ensure that the organisation gets maximum support, he said.The minister said that Janasree was an asset of the Congress.
He congratulated the members of the Janasree for their role in bringing the UDF Government back to power. Janasree president M M Hassan, said that the members of the Kudumbashree were not allowed to participate in Janasree.
He asked Rural Development Minister K C Joseph to look into the issue. In the coming days, every member of Janasree will start their own kitchen garden to grow organic vegetables.
These vegetables will be sold during exhibitions from September 3 to 8, Hassan said. The loans to the Janasree organisations in nine districts will be released immediately. In the rest of the districts, the loans will be provided after Onam.
The event saw the participation of Janasree members from all the districts of Kerala. Excise Minister K Babu, MLAs Hibi Eden and Benny Behanan, Janasree Mission treasurer Lathika Subash and Janasree Mission chairman M O John were present. The workshop will go on for two days. Minister M K Muneer and Union Minister of State for Food and Civil Supplies K V Thomas will address the workshop in the coming days.
The Congress-backed organisation had earlier come under fire from former Finance Minister Thomas Isaac. Isaac had said that the Janasree would disrupt the efficient working of the state-backed Kudumabashree.
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