KOCHI: For the breakfast of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who arrived in Guruvayur temple for darshan on Saturday, dishes spread out on the table were Kerala food. After reaching here in the morning, he went to Sreevalsam government guest house for getting ready for darshan.
The strict veggie food included Idli, Dosa, Puttu, Idiyappam, Appam, Kadalakkari and vegetable curry. As many as 40 persons are accompanying the prime minister, who is a VVIP guest. The tourism department is in charge of making all the arrangements for them.
The prime minister reached Kochi last night as part of his Guruvayur visit. Though there was no intimation for arranging tiffin for the prime minister, a sumptuous feast comprising fired Chappathi, Dal curry, Avial and Sambar was kept ready for the prime ministers and others.
Though no instructions were there from the prime minister’s office regarding the menu, the à la carte was arranged, considering the prime minister’s likeness for traditional Kerala food, whenever he was in Kerala.
Modi, who usually prefers modest government guest houses hotels to posh hotels for stay, this time, too, stayed in Kochi government guest house. This was his first stay in this guest house.
Earlier also, the prime minister has stayed in government guest houses in Kozhikode and Thiruvananthapuram. All those times he had only Kerala food.
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