Friday, December 16, 2011: The CBI team investigating the sensational Kaviyoor case in which a 40-year-old temple priest, KI Narayanan Namboodiri, his wife and three children were found dead at their rented house at Kaviyur near Thiruvalla on September 28, 2004, has come up with new starling revelations.
While filing the further investigation report before the CBI special Court here on Friday, CBI informed that the victim (Anakha) was sexually molested by her own father Narayanan Namboodiri.
The molestation took place just two day’s before Anakha’s death, CBI said. It is believed that Anakha had informed her close friend Remya about her father’s indifferent and indecent behaviour.
The body of Narayanan Namboodiri was found hanging from a fan inside the bedroom. His wife, Shobhana (35) and children, Anakha (15), Akhila (8) and Akshay (5), were found to have consumed poison and their bodies were lying in two other rooms.
The deceased Namboodiri of Mayyil Kanikkamparambu Kundumkara Illom in Kannur district was the melsanthi at a Siva temple under the Travancore Devaswom Board at Chumatra near Thiruvalla.
He was also running an astrology centre at Kaviyur. There were reports on his suspicious `connection’ with the absconding, Lata Nair, key accused in a sex racket case involving a girl from Kiliroor in Kottayam district.
A `suicide note’ left by the deceased Namboodiri said that “Lata too was responsible” for the death. It alleged that the verbal abuse by a few local people, including an auto driver, too had `contributed’ to the deaths.
There were reports that Lata Nair had maintained close links with the deceased priest. Local people said that she, along with her daughter, had visited his house at Kaviyur a few days ago.
It is also alleged that Lata, who hails from Manippuzha near Thiruvalla, had been closely associated with the deceased priest since the past few years. The `suicide note’ also tells about some money dealings between the dead priest, Lata and a leading jewellery merchant.
According to the police, the Circle Inspector of the Kottayam west police station, Suresh Kumar, had summoned the deceased Namboodiri on September 25.
He had confessed to the CI that the accused Lata Nair had stayed at his rented house at Kaviyur for three days recently, the police said.
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