‎Political war in Pala; Capon said he wouldn't stand by his hands if he hunted. On the day of Thiruvona, unnavrata‎

 ‎Kottayam; MLA Manisi Kappan against Kerala Congress M in Pala. ‎Kappan alleged that the Kerala Congress was indulging in politics of revenge by implicating UDF workers and supporters in a false case in the wake of the election debacle. Manisi Kappan also posted on Facebook that unnavrata satyagraha will sit on Thiruvona day in action.‎

‎The Kerala Congress, which is hunting down UDF workers and supporters in the wake of its electoral defeat, is conducting unnavrata satyagraha on Thiruvonaday (21/08/2021, Saturday) to awaken the conscience of the community against the politics of revenge and abuse of power. ‎ ‎ UDF leaders will also be involved in the Satyagraha movement, Kappan clarified.‎

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