Delhi blast: Malayalee suspected to be involved

New Delhi: The Delhi HC blast probe took a crucial turn as the investigation team held two college students on Thursday from Kishtwar in Jammu and Kashmir. Degree student at government college Amir Abbas and Nagseni College student Hilal Ameen were held. But the NIA director general SC Sinha denied the claim that they have held the main accused. He said media reports on blasts are affecting the probe.

It is learnt that a Malayalee too is included in the 7-member gang which had planned the attack. It is learnt that Hilal had agreed that the e-mail was sent in the name of Huji as per his direction by plus two students at the Islamiya Faridiya HS and police held students Abid Husain and Shereek Ahmed. They had only send the message, which some one provided them in a pen drive.

Both these students mentioned about Amir Abbas, activists of Thabligue Jamat, which has branches all over the country. It is learnt that Amir Abbas is the brain behind the blast and it is also learnt that he is working wit Huji. Apart from the two adolescents, 5 to 6 people in the age group of 25-30 are involved in the blast. Huji do not have history of sending e-mails after the blast and so the police where confused after receiving the email after the blast in the name of Huji.

When it was found that the email was sent from Kishtwar, Jammu, the probe was diverted in that direction. Police interrogated café owner Mehmood Aziz Kwaja and manager Ashwini Kumar. When the school students were held on Wednesday, the probe attained new turn.

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