KOCHI: Idukki Aam Admi Party (AAP) Lok Sabha candidate Silvi Sunil has lodged a complaint with Kochi City Police Commissioner, stating that she was mentally harassed by AAP party leaders in Idukki. Silvi told Kerala Kaumudi that she had taken legal action as the AAP leadership had remained silent over her case, even when they were convinced of what had happened to her.
She said in the complaint that during the campaign days, district level leaders of AAP Vinoj, Shaibu Agustine, Saji, Tanseer and Suneer had tried to project her as a wretched person and passed lewd comments, causing her mental trauma. Once she was verbally abused in the public and this continued again at other occasions.
She said party leadership was well aware of what was happening to her but they just turned a blind eye to it. And finally, when the harassment became unbearable, she decided to take legal course and hence filed a police complaint on May 7.
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