THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Opposition leader V S Achuthanandan has once again lashed out at SNDP Yogam general secretary Vellapally Natesan. He had obtained an amount of Rs 220 crore as bribe for the appointment in institutions coming under the SN Trust and SNDP Yogam, alleged VS. The people has the right to know about the money collected as the salary is given from the exchequer for the appointments, the article published in CPM’s mouthpiece Deshabhimani said.
VS asked Vellappally to come clean on the funds. He should make clear whether he has accepted money or not for the appointments. If my version on the accounts is wrong, then he himself should clarify on the proper accounting. If the money is not stashed in Swiss Bank, then he should reveal where he has hidden it.
Natesan had stated that the accounts are presented in the meetings of the SN Trust and the SNDP Yogam. However, when he starts reading the accounts, the board members say they have passed the accounts. The board members are all his relatives.
The SNDP have stated that they will float the political party in December. If that party is formed, the structure of it will be like the S N Trust. Natesan will either be the president or the secretary. Thushar will take over as the vice-president. His brother in law will be treasurer. His daughter and son’s father in law and nephew would be in the executive committee. His wife Preethi will be considered as the president of the party’s women’s group, he said.
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