NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while speaking to TV channel News Nation, has claimed to have clicked a photo of senior BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani in the year 1987-88 using a digital camera which he owned. Modi also claimed to have sent that photo by e-mail.
The claims have given new ammunition to the Twitter users to mock Modi.
This comes after Modi faced flak, not just from the opposition but from the social media users, on his revelation that he directed the Indian Air Force to go ahead with its non-military operation in Pakistan despite bad weather as he believed that Pakistan's radars might not be able to penetrate clouds.
Many Twitter users mocked Modi including opposition leaders for his latest remarks.
Though the Educational Research Network was launched in 1986, the first publicly available internet service in India was launched by state-owned Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) on 14 August 1995.
Also, the first digital camera was built by Steven Sasson at Eastman Kodak in 1976. This was mainly used for military and scientific purposes.
In the late 1980s, the technology to produce digital cameras did exist. The first digital to have been commercially sold was in 1987 but there is no documentary evidence to substantiate the sale.
The first portable digital camera that was marketed was sold in December 1989 in Japan. Though, Modi has claimed to own a digital camera, his claim is debatable but can’t be outrightly refuted.
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