THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Retired judge Kemal Pasha has backed the statement of actor Kamal Hasaan against Godse. “Those who support Godse claim that there is a difference between a murderer and terrorist. Gandhi was killed for saying ‘I am a good Muslim because I’m a good Hindu’, which is definitely terrorism”, Kemal Pasha said after inaugurating Excellence Award-2019 organized by Dr. Ambedkar Education Foundation and Lord Buddha Universal Society.
“Hindu Mahasabha was formed by Savarkar after getting sentence relaxation from the Britishers through a written apology. Nathuram Vinayak Godse was a member of this organization. Savarkar escaped the murder case as he was guilty of conspiracy alone. Godse was just a pawn. In today’s scenario, evidence would have been found which will lead to Savarkar’s imprisonment. Savarkar was later portrayed as a Mahatma. The deed of Savarkar and Godse falls under the terrorist act. They are indeed terrorists. Kamal Hasaan is receiving death threats for saying this openly. There is no assurance on how long he will survive in this country”, Pasha said.
BJP candidate Pragya lashed out against Kamal Haasan, the Makkal Neethi Meyyam leader, for his comments that Godse is a Hindu terrorist. “Nathuram Godse was a patriot. He still is and always will be”, Pragya Singh said. The BJP later dismissed the comments of Pragya, as it faced backlash on social media.
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