Statue controversy: Minister K C Joseph raps PMO

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Minister K C Joseph said the office of the Prime Minister was not vigilant over the controversy in connection with the unveiling function of the statue of R Sankar. Addressing the press, Joseph said the chief minister stayed away from the function as per the instruction of the organizers.

There were no intelligence reports that there would be problems if the chief minister attends the function. The chief minister had not sent a letter to the PM pointing that he would not attend the function.Union Minister Rajiv Prathap Rudy’s statement in the Parliament that a letter has been sent is totally baseless. The Prime Minister did not utter a word even when he was received by the chief minister in Kochi, blamed Joseph.

The organizers had asked the chief minister to stay away from the function. It is not compulsory to invite the chief minister for a private programme. But here he was invited first and then excluded. The minister asked SNDP Yogam general secretary Vellappally Natesan to cite the reason for it. I’m saying this for the chief minister, he added.

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