Tribute to T.V. Padmakumar

P.N. Subramanian, Former Deputy Director,  VSSC / ISRO,    writes on  T.V. Padmakumar,  Numeroligist and world renowned Mathematician,  who died  last Friday.

T.V. Padmakumar hailing from Thiruvananthapuram was a child prodigy in the field of numbers. He had great fascination and ability to play with numbers when he was a child. He used to teach complicated   calculus  to M.Sc students,  when he was studying in High School. Unfortunately he could not  secure  Secondary  School Leaving Certificate (SSLC),   since he was averse to languages. Then he started studying Astrology very carefully, especially the mathematical aspects.  Soon he observed that Sree Ramachakram seen in ancient Indian almanacs was a number system where numbers 1 to 16 are arranged in a particular fashion in 16 blocks.

He  could realize  that it was Magic Square. But his further studies revealed that it had amazing mathematical properties. When numbers are squared or cubed it still remained as a magic square. This property is not found in any of the famous magic squares. Then he started serious research work on Sree Ramachakram,  whose author might had been some unsung Rishi from Vedic period.

Took up research on Sree Ramachakra

At this stage Kerala State Science, Technology and Environment Council KSSTEC led by Dr. V.K. Damodaran, as the Chairman offered him research fellowship with monthly stipend of a small sum for 11 long years. During this period he discovered  many amazing properties of Sree Ramachakram. And, the Fibonacci quarterly, the world renowned Journal from USA  of  high rating,  published 7 of his research papers. Seeing the exquisite properties of Sree Ramachakra, which is a perfectly perfect magic square, the referees named it Strongly Magic Square. No other magic square known till then  had  any such amazing properties. This opened up a new branch of studies in the field of Number Theory.

Missed opportunities
Seeing the high quality of his research work,  University of Turin in Austria offered him a research fellowship. And Dr. Manmohan Singh, then Joint Secretary of Ministry of External Affairs, based on the letter from Austria, requested a Professor in Calicut University to recommend his name as a formality,  since he did not posses a Degree.   But it did not  materialise.

By this time  4 of his books were published by DC Books in Malayalam. One book was published in  English by Swadesi Science Movement, the Kerala unit of Vignana Bharati. Break - through came when his book `Number Theory and Magic squares'  was published in English by Sura Publishers from Chennai. This contained 10 new theorems,  which have no reference to any other previous work indicating the originality  of his findings. Also Magic Numbers of   Padmakumar 945 was published in American Journal of Recreational mathematics Two numbers 441 and 18522 in RESONANCE,  the scientific journal of Indian Science Academy. These numbers are much more inspiring and fascinating than those of  the late Indian scientist Ramanujam.

New theorem on Periodic Table
His next finding was a theorem to find positions of Chemical elements in Periodic Table. Based on this theorem,  Padmakumar could predict future elements and some of them are already discovered by Russins, Japanese and others. This  helps  student  find  the elements in period table very easily.  This paper was given the best research paper award in Physical Science section of Indian Science Congress in 2010.

At this stage sensing gross injustice done to him by not recognizing him property in India, the Education Minister of Kerala instituted and awarded him Ramanujam fellowship of Rs. 20,000/- per month.  

Recognition by University
Based on his theory on Strongly Magic Squares as reference a research scholar was awarded Ph.D from California University in Sandiago, USA which is rated as 18th among the best Universities in the world.

Global recognition

Recently Mcgill University in Canada,  which is rated as 21st among the best Universities in the world and 1st in Canada reviewed his book `Number Theory and Magic Squares` and awarded Ph.D for a research work on the game of  Chess based on his Juxtaposition theorem. Based on his theorem on Juxtaposition properties, innumerable practical and commercial applications are being found in the design of several commercial products as seen from several websites.

Wikipedia encyclopedia has allotted special pages for  T.V. Padmakumar and Sree Ramachakram. There is only one more person - Kathelene,  who has done some meaningful work on Perfectly perfect magic square, apart from  Padmakumar. Other organizations,  which have reviewed his books are World Heritage  Encyclopeadia and World Public Library, Mathematical Gazette and Mathematical Review. Today based on his work several global websites have included Sree Ramachakram and T.V. Padmakumar as reference. The recent publication confirms that   Padmakuar`s name is included as one among the best 100 scientists in recent times,  who have contributed to the most advanced research works recently.

A true Rishi/Yogi

Padmakumar can be given the status of a modern Rishi or Yogi. He has never worn a shoe or chappal so far. He is a pure vegetarian by practice and leads a simple life. He led secluded life detaching himself from family. He is totally unaffected by lust for money or other sensual attractions. His only interest was doing research on number theories. He was an expert in Yoga Asanas and practiced every day. He was great expert in astrology even though he never exploited it for commercial purpose. He had in depth knowledge in Gemology and its effects for various types of physical and mental conditions. He did  meditation regularly. In the seat of meditation he could  intuitively visualize the subtle aspects of the subject he meditated upon. Thus he got the hidden knowledge in Sree Ramachakra,   a very ancient Indian contribution of a Rishi and its rare mathematical properties. He was also an expert in relating various phenomenon to numerology - the science of numbers which has definite influence on persons and their experiences. He saw very intricate and complicated numbers in the seat of meditations as we could see the amazing number relations he had found out and published. It was a fact that his diary contained many subtle ideas on which if more research was done   might have turned out to be world class scientific discoveries. Thus in every sense he could be given the title of a modern Rishi or Yogi.

His achievements can be highlighted as follows:
  * Sree Ramachakra got world recognition through him and it is given higher status than Srichakra. The rich scientific tradition of ancient Bharat has proven once again through SreeRamachakra. It is quoted in all reputed websites today. This indicates that there are many ideas in Indian Vedic Sastras,  that call for in depth research.
* T.V. Padmakumar was accepted as a research scientist of highest caliber by world scientific community.
* His mathematical theorems have found several practical/commercial aplications.
* Each of his theorems deserves a Ph.D from any reputed University in the world.

Lists of Web sites and publications referring to TV Padmakumar/Sreeramachakra/Strongly magic Suare/Perfectly perfect Magic square/Juxtaposition properties/Number Theory and Magic Squares

* Mathematical review (Vol 98, page 3)
* Mathematical Gazette (page 320)
* (Comment - It obviously does not look like a beautiful magic)
* Journal of Combinational Mathematics (page 156)
* New Encyclopedia Britannica
* World Heritage Encyclopedia
* World Public Library
* Wikipedia Encyclopedia (Appears in 21 sites)
* Hawaiian Public Library
* You tube
* Mcgill University, Canada (It comments - Magic of chess properties have a rank of at most equal to 3. One of the worlds most noted contribution is the theorems inthe book Number Theory and Magic Squares by TV Padmakumar
* Common Story Game - in Germany reports that 30 copies of Number Theory and Magic Squares have been procured by them.
* OEIS - the online encyclopedia refers to TV Padmakumar and Strongly Magic Square.
* Google search - World Index - shows details of TV Padmakumar`s contributions
* Times of India mentions His maths Magic of Chemical elements/Lord Padmanbha and Ganitha Jyothisham by Padmakumar
* Combo E - book library - Yantra/ Sreeramachakra
* Sarada Peetham Panchagam
* Srirangam Panchangam
* Aryan Panchangam
* Talent Kerala
* Most successful Indian Heroes (After Subhash Chandrabose Padmakuar`s photo appears
* Total displays on - TV Padmakumar/ Most perfect Magic square/Strongly Magic square 86 sheets
* Estimated number of sites related to TV Padmakumar - 50 numbers
* Wikipedia sites - 21 numbers

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