Milma employees on indefinite strike from Wednesday

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Milma employees will begin indefinite strike from Wednesday in protest against the management’s alleged employee-unfriendly policies.   

The employees will strike work from Wednesday midnight, demanding the implementation of government recognised pension and welfare fund. Anyhow, the strike will almost jeopardise the collection and supply of milk across the State. Dairy farmers and the consumers will also have a difficult time.

The decision to go ahead with the strike plan was taken after trade unions’ talk with Milma chairman failed. Samyuktha Samara Samithy had been holding protests in front of regional offices on different occasions in the past, raising the same demands. Employees had also been on the path of protest on may times over the past five years.

The strikers’ demand also include implementation of pension scheme, raising the pension age, sorting out staff pattern issues and leaving the recruitment matters to the PSC.      

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