Lance Naik Hanamanthappa dies, says army

NEW DELHI: Four days after he was discovered alive in what has been described as a miraculous rescue from Siachen, Lance Naik Hanamanthappa, 33, died in hospital Thursday morning.

While he fought for his life, the army had urged, "We hope the miracle continues...please pray with us."

Lance Naik Hanamanthappa, who was from Karnataka, spent six days buried alive under 25 feet of ice at the glacier after an avalanche came crashing down on the military post at Sonam.

Hanamanthappa was found in the fibre-reinforced hut that served as a base at 19,600 feet on the glacier. Lying next to him were the bodies of nine soldiers from his regiment.

He was then flown to the military hospital in Delhi where Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited him yesterday, saying he brought "prayers from the entire nation."

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