THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The vigilance will conduct a probe against its legal advisor who submitted a favourable report on former finance minister K M Mani in the poultry scam case. A vigilance team gave a letter to its director DGP Jacob Thomas seeking a probe against its legal advisor P K Murali Krishnan. A FIR has been registered against Murali for his stand helping Mani in the case. A copy of it has been handed over to Jacob Thomas. The vigilance has requested the director to entrust a special team for the probe.
The FIR was registered against Mani on the complaint of advocate Noble Mathew, former Kerala Congress leader and BJP state panel member now. A special investigation team of the sales tax after noticing tax evasion by Thomson Group ordered them to pay a fine of Rs 64 crore.
They approached the Supreme Court but their plea was rejected. Later, K M Mani entrusted deputy commissioner to exempt them from the fine. They were later exempted from the fine on the plea of the company. Noble’s complaint is that Mani accepted Rs 50 lakh for it. Murali Krishnan gave a favourable legal advice to Mani in this case. Not only that when the case against Mani was considered, the details were not revealed in the court.
The vigilance has requested not to re-appoint him. Though Mani moved the court to reject the FIR in this case, his plea was rejected.
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